Manitobans are rallying behind Operation Excellence. Our donors and volunteers—along with patients and medical personnel—see this as the right campaign at the right time. Read below, and return to this page, to be inspired by words of support and confidence.
A community of supporters and champions
"Our Operation Excellence campaign will reduce wait lists, improve care, and shorten hospital stays. We are starting to see positive impacts! With your continued support we are acquiring more new technology and developing new, state-of-the-art operating rooms. We’re grateful for your support of Operation Excellence and Manitoba’s hospital!"
“I came from Hamilton in 2023 because I was impressed by the progress in thoracic surgery at HSC—made possible in large part by your support of the HSC Foundation. Your donations to the Operation Excellence campaign will advance care throughout the hospital and set the standard for all of Canada.”
“At Careica Health, we are proud to partner in the delivery of community health care in Manitoba. Strong community care relies on innovative acute care and that's why we are excited about Operation Excellence. We are confident that the transformational work being done today by the HSC Foundation will pay dividends for years to come.”
"We were pleased to support the HSC Foundation’s Operation Excellence campaign when we learned of the campaign’s focus on new technology, and how the new equipment will help people across the province. We are impressed by the targeted nature of the fundraising and very happy that this campaign will result in better care for all Manitobans."
"With the support of generous Manitobans, we can ensure that HSC stays on the leading edge of health care for years to come. Together, we will equip HSC with the latest in diagnostic and surgical technology for all Manitobans. Thank you for your support!"
“I came to HSC because there is an exciting push here to improve patient care and decrease wait times. The state-of-the-art technology that we have acquired—funded by the HSC Foundation—is improving the lives of patients. Your ongoing support of Operation Excellence is making a difference.”
"HSC Foundation donors always step up to the plate. As a surgeon, I am grateful. As a Manitoban, I am proud. Through Operation Excellence, you can have your greatest impact yet as your support will help Manitoba’s hospital acquire the latest minimally invasive surgical equipment. That means better care for everyone."
"Operation Excellence is our plan to ensure better patient care. New surgical spaces coupled with technologically advanced equipment will help us address the surgical backlog, and bring patients back to good health as quickly as possible. And with more minimally invasive surgery, we can custom tailor anesthesia and pain care to individual patient requirements."
"At FWS, philanthropy is central to our company culture and we care deeply about enhancing health care. The decision to support Operation Excellence was an easy one to make. HSC is Manitoba's flagship hospital, and this campaign's focus on acquiring minimally invasive surgical technology is good for all Manitobans."
"Operation Excellence isn’t about taking small steps. It’s about taking giant leaps forward. The campaign is funding the acquisition of impressive new equipment that helps HSC take surgical care to the next level. When it comes to supporting important initiatives, Manitobans always punch above their weight. Let’s all support this vital campaign for Manitoba’s hospital."
"What touches us about Operation Excellence is that we can make life easier for patients at HSC as well as their families, the surgeons, the nurses, and the whole health care system. Winnipeg Kinsmen are proud to support this important campaign."
"With your support, we will have a modern hybrid vascular surgical suite which will allow surgical teams to switch from traditional surgery to minimally invasive techniques—or vice versa—depending on the patient’s needs. That flexibility and the exceptional technology we will acquire will help Manitobans get the best surgical care possible."
"We’re impressed by the vision and promise of the Operation Excellence campaign. We’ve been cared for by HSC in the past and know that with ongoing community support, the hospital will continue to thrive. As proud Manitobans, it is clear to us that when we invest in excellence, we get excellence."
"At Canada Life, we recognize quality health care builds the foundation for strong communities. That’s why we’re proud to support the HSC Foundation’s capital campaign to develop surgical and diagnostic capacity. We invest in the development and expansion of innovative care at regional hospitals because we care about the well-being of Canadians."
"I had severe nerve compression caused by a hockey hit when I was 17. I lived in pain for over a decade until I was referred to HSC. Thanks to the spine surgeon’s skill and new navigational equipment funded through Operation Excellence, I can dream of living pain-free and even skating again."
"I see first hand and up close how donors to the HSC Foundation make life better for our patients. Your support of the Operation Excellence campaign will ensure that we can acquire the latest minimally invasive surgical equipment. Your generosity helps us deliver the best care possible to Manitobans."
"We are at a pivotal time in health care in Manitoba and I am confident that Operation Excellence is the right way forward. This campaign is a game-changer and I am proud to support it."
"The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba was established in 1964, not only to support charitable causes in our own community but to contribute to the quality of life in Manitoba for everyone. We are proud to support Operation Excellence because—with technology and innovation—it will enhance the well-being of all Manitobans."
"I’m a young Manitoban and I realize the power of donors to accelerate innovation in health care. As someone with a background in technology, I feel it’s important to embrace new technologies and ideas to deliver results. Programs like Operation Excellence for HSC do just that. Your support raises the bar and provides better patient care."
"With your support, HSC’s talented and committed staff can deliver improved patient outcomes. By funding better equipment and better spaces, Operation Excellence donors can ensure that Manitobans get more timely surgical care so they can get back to living their best lives as soon as possible."
"Operation Excellence will revolutionize health care in Manitoba. With a successful campaign, we will position HSC for long-term success, ensure better outcomes for patients, and make HSC an employer of choice for leading professionals. Please donate today."
"Thanks to your support of Operation Excellence, we are acquiring new, state-of-the-art technology that will improve health care for Manitobans. Through your generosity, we will shorten wait times, shorten hospital stays, and improve patient outcomes. Thank you for your ongoing support!"
"Health care is facing serious and immediate challenges, which can only be addressed by bold and innovative solutions. Operation Excellence is founded on those very principles. It’s time to rally together to make positive change. Please donate today."
"With donor support of the HSC Foundation’s Operation Excellence campaign, we are starting to see remarkable progress at Manitoba’s hospital. New, state-of-the-art diagnostic and surgical equipment is arriving, and new operating spaces are under development. Your support of this transformational campaign will keep the momentum going at HSC. Thank you!"
"I am proud to support Operation Excellence! With new equipment and new spaces, our hospital will be able to attract and retain more doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals. With my automated monthly gift, HSC can count on me just like Manitobans can count on HSC."
"This is a grand vision for health care in Manitoba. Working together through Operation Excellence, we can have an enormous impact on the pursuit of innovation as we strive to provide the most advanced care available anywhere."
"Seamless access to a strong health care system is the key to building a happy and healthy society. We have had positive experiences with HSC and feel strongly that with everyone’s support, Operation Excellence will enhance life in Manitoba."
"Operation Excellence will have a profound and lasting impact on our health care system, which is vital for the well-being of all Manitobans. Donors at all levels have a role to play in transforming and modernizing care. Your gift will change lives. Please support HSC—Manitoba’s hospital. OUR hospital."
"Over my career, I have seen the impact HSC Foundation donors have on health care. Operation Excellence is our opportunity to have the greatest impact ever by supporting the acquisition of the next generation of minimally invasive surgical technology."
"We like that Operation Excellence is designed to put the most up-to-date diagnostic and surgical technology in the hands of front-line personnel taking care of Manitobans. With this new equipment, our health care professionals can do their best work, and HSC can attract and retain leading medical talent."
"We are fortunate to have exceptional surgeons and other medical professionals at HSC. I have experienced their care and have tremendous confidence in their skill and dedication. Through Operation Excellence, we can provide them with state-of-the-art equipment so they can do their best work."
"Through the HSC Foundation’s Operation Excellence campaign, HSC’s Pain Clinic will double in size and we will be able to double our caseload to about 12,000 a year. With your support we can prevent the worst effects of chronic pain and aspire to become a pain-free Manitoba. Please donate today."
"We like the innovative, entrepreneurial spirit that is driving Operation Excellence. This campaign presents Manitobans with an unprecedented opportunity to invest in making health care more efficient. By improving systems and upgrading equipment and spaces at HSC, we can ensure better care for everyone."
"Through my experience, I know that donors can have a significant impact on the well-being of our patients. When my colleagues and I have access to state-of-the-art diagnostic and surgical equipment, we can do our best work. Operation Excellence is raising the bar."
"As parents of a nurse, we understand how important it is for frontline health care personnel to have the best equipment and the best workspaces available. Supporting Operation Excellence is a great way to support our health care heroes and invest in exceptional care for Manitobans."
Help us deliver tomorrow’s health care, today.
The investments we make today will ensure a tradition of surgical excellence and innovation for ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren.